Saturday 10 May 2008

Oxford Accommodation Website

Oxford AccommodationThis site came to me as a referral - by the person who was selling the apartment!

The previous owner suggested to the new owner that I create a website, which I did. I quite liked the site, but the new owner never really had any marketing ideas and thought that creating a site was enough to guarantee bookings 52 weeks of the year.

The real shame is that the site went quickly to a PR5 and stayed there. I never worked out what in particular made it so popular with the search engines, but something did.

What I do notice though is that the previous owner's site was also PR5 for a time, then dropped. So I expect that the previous owner had the site listed in a good directory then removed it for whatever reason, but suggested to the new owner to get listed there. She did and benefitted.

The site has a load of useful functions and she did intend to develop it further into a directory, but seemed to loose interest. The accommodation has got some bookings, but it's not an easy game to be in.

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