Sunday, 16 December 2007

In The Beginning...

This is where it all started way back when - probably even before we'd thought of the web design business.

This website took on many forms - and I must say that now I look back and none were particularly great. But it worked. It was a website for my in-law's holiday flats designed to show off one or two rooms. Without a great deal of work the site was being found by people across the country and in the USA - bookings were coming in.

I originally used a free tool to create the site, then rewrote it in HTML and published it to free space. It was a long time before a domain name was purchased for this site - the free names were used at first.

It did use javascript throughout the last version. For some reason I thought that was good, not only for scrolling messages but to write the header & trailer of the pages. It was a nightmare to change!

But it did them well until they retired from the business and I let the URL go as the building is now used as residential flats rather than holiday accommodation. I learnt a lot of lessons, and it allowed me to start a portfolio that early customers could look at.

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