Wednesday, 12 December 2007


I've thought for a while it would be interesting to documment sites that I've built over the years. To try to go through them in any particular order would be difficult, so I'm bound to miss someone. But it should get a few sites documented and easily readable.

I'll start tomorrow with those sites that for one reason or another are no longer with us. Those where owners have retired, got fed up or moved to allow a 'friend' to manage their site. Interestingly, by the time I get through that little list, hopefully one of those who has left should have returned.

With 4 years of building sites and a real escalation in the number of new sites over the past year, and past few months in particular, it should take a while to get through everyone that I can remember. I'll try to work through 4 per week, maybe 3 when I'm busy. So at current rates they should all be documented by early summer. If new sites continue to go live at the current rate, it will be another 4 or 5 months to document the sites that have arrived between now and then.

Sounds a bit of a daunting task! Maybe 5 posts per week would be better!

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