Wednesday, 16 January 2008

Traffic Selling Website

Real Web TrafficThis website was our first to successfully use PayPal as a shopping media. It sold expired domain redirect traffic, which the buyer could choose where the traffic came from, quantity to buy and a category of website they were interested in. There was even a choice at the end of seeing the price in pounds or US dollars.

It worked well and get plenty of orders purely through search engine optimisation, but the quality of expired domain traffic, especially within the UK, is poor and although there were new customers coming on board, no repeat customers appeared. Having too much honour to keep flogging traffic that obviously wasn't doing much good, the idea was eventually dropped and all traffic routed to a popunder seller.

The other problem is that the traffic demand outstripped supply and it was taking ages to deliver the traffic. This lead to customers asking where their traffic was. Add to this some people ordering with fraudulent cards (why, we could stop the campaign mid flow) and the losses & wasted time this was creating and the site just wasn't worth the effort. Which was a shame as the orders that came in were good and created a good profit.

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